As the name suggests that therapeutic services under this spectrum refers to all functions and skills of communication but it is not limited to the same alone.

Speech and Language Therapy

As the name suggests that therapeutic services under this spectrum refers to all functions and skills of communication but it is not limited to the same alone. Often people miss other skills that can be improved through speech and language therapy such as Swallowing, Feeding difficulties or Processing disorder.

Speech Language Pathologist

Professionals that assess, evaluate and give therapeutic intervention for disorders associated with communication and swallowing are referred to as Speech Language Pathologist or Speech Language Therapist. Our professionals are dedicated to providing the best speech and language therapy services. They are involved in continuous learning and skill development programs to ensure the same. So your quest to find the best Speech and Language therapy service provider has come to a stop.

Who can avail these services?

If you are someone in need of improving any of the above mentioned skills you are eligible to avail or services. Speech and Language therapy services can be provided for anyone of any age, gender or location. That’s right! Speech development of a child starts from day 1 in his life so there is restriction for individuals of any age for speech and language therapy services. If geometric distance is your barrier you can always opt for online sessions that are backed with interactive home plans.