Physiotherapy services refers to mainly restoring functions of one’s body post injury, stroke or other neurological conditions. Physiotherapy services can also be used to increase the range of motion, functioning or strength that one lacks due to a disability. There is no age limit to considering physiotherapy. We have the best team of experts that help you with your pain, mobility, flexibility or post injury care.


Professionals who are trained in manipulating muscles to convenience as per needs of the patient to ease the discomfort. We have the best Physiotherapist in the city who is dedicated to fat and long lasting results. They are a committed team of passionate therapists. The advent in
the field also contributes to best results. Manipulation of Muscles goes beyond exercises, strength training, heat and cold exposure, Infrared exposure, Tractions, Ultrasound treatments, Tenses all which services which are available at Lorem.

Who can avail these services

If you feel discomfort, Pain or limited functions or movements in any part of your body consider seeing a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy can be availed by anyone who moves which includes crawling infants to the aged who need support to walk. A child should achieve his first motor milestone at the first month where he can fold a fist that gradually becomes a grab onto anything placed in their hands; finger, rattle, toy. These milestones are achieved with muscle coordination and strength which may be absent in a child with disability. Therefore you are never too early to consider Physiotherapy for your child. A simple walk-in screening will help you understand if your child needs Physiotherapy.