1. Why does a child need special education?
At Lorem Wellness Care, we believe that every child deserves education. Special education is essential for helping children with special needs to fully participate in an inclusive society. Each child is assessed to understand their unique strengths, needs, and learning styles. Attainable goals are set and individualized intensive instruction is provided, using multisensory approach activities and other methods to meet their educational needs, cognitive functioning, processing disorders and to improve their overall well-being. Students are then evaluated to determine progress and set new or modified goals. Special education is a crucial component of education programs, as it promotes the inclusion of children with special needs in a diverse learning environment.
2. How does special education help children with Intellectual disabilities?
Special education at Lorem Wellness Care can assist students with intellectual disabilities in overcoming learning challenges and cognitive deficits and make the learning process more enjoyable and engaging. By understanding the child’s strengths and learning style, classes and activities can be designed to meet the child’s specific learning needs as well as improve life skills. This reduces the difficulty in understanding complex information and helps the child become more independent in society.
3. How does special education help in memory retention?
Remembering information is crucial for a child’s success in school and other areas of life. Special education at Lorem Wellness Care provides support for children with memory challenges, helping them to make learning more enjoyable and engaging. Various techniques, activities, and materials are utilized to assist these children in reducing frustration, boosting confidence, participating actively in the classroom, enhancing their learning, and improving their overall quality of life.
4. How does special education help children in the Autism Spectrum?
A well-planned Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed at Lorem Wellness Care for students with ADHD, where academic learning and cognitive functioning activities go hand in hand. The tasks are broken into smaller units to make them more engaging and accessible for students. Recognizing their learning style and making use of their creativity, interventions are provided to students with ADHD to unleash their true potential and help them adapt to any environment.
5. How does Special education help children having handwriting issues?
At Lorem Wellness Care, we thoroughly assess the child’s difficulties in areas such as poor pencil holding, letter formation, neatness, line orientation, sizing, alignment errors, and copying from the board. We incorporate fine motor activities and visual perception, and cognitive activities to develop an engaging and well-planned program that is executed according to each child’s needs.
6. How does Special education help children having Specific Learning Disabilities?
An individualized education plan is provided for children who have difficulty with reading, writing, and math. The plan includes appropriate interventions tailored to specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. This may involve modifying the learning approach to meet the school’s requirements. In addition to academics, the plan also addresses other difficulties such as auditory processing disorders, visual processing disorders, and cognitive aspects like attention, memory, and reasoning. At Lorem Wellness Care, the interventions are designed to accommodate the child’s specific learning needs and teaching methods.